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We are a member school of the Board of Reformed Christian Education Scotland whose aim is to see Melville-Knox Christian Schools established all over Scotland.

Other Christian Schools
If you are interested in Christian education, but live outside of the Highlands please consider our Melville-Knox schools in Glasgow or  Aberdeen. You may also be interested in Mannafields Christian School  in Edinburgh, or Providence Christian School in Stornoway.

The following confessions govern our teaching at the School. All teachers and every member of our leadership team must subscribe to one of these confessions.

The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646)

The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)

The Three Forms of Unity: The Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort and Heidelberg Catechism

The Savoy Declaration

Other Organisations
Tours with Scottish Reformation Tours

Resources from Reformation Scotland


The following are recordings of a Christian Education Conference held in Inverness on 29th April 2023.

Morning Session
Afternoon Session

In anticipation of the opening of Melville Knox Highland Christian School, Paul Brennan, of the Glasgow Tron Church, spoke at the Spring 2024 conference on ‘The Case for a Christian School’. Here is the recording..

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