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Parental Involvement

Melville-Knox Highland invites and strongly encourages parents to be involved in the life of the School. The Bible (and also Scottish Law) states that education is the responsibility of the parents, therefore it is our desire that parents, though they have delegated a portion of that responsibility to us, be as involved in the School as possible. There are several ways for parents to be involved:

Parents and Friends Association Membership

Prospective parents can join the Parents and Friends Association (PFA). PFA members can:

  1. participate in the management of the school by electing two representatives from the parents and friends group to sit on the School Board and two to sit on the School Management Committee
  2. support the purpose of the school by participating in the social activities of the school
  3. support the purpose of the school by assisting in fund raising activities of the school

The annual fee for Membership is currently £10 per family, per year. To apply for membership please contact the Board Secretary or the Chair of the PFA. You will be asked to sign a form with the wording provided in Appendix A of the Constitution. For more information please see the Constitution.

Practical Help

One of the financial strategies of Melville-Knox Highland is to keep the school fees low by inviting parents, who are able, to give their time and skills for the work of the school. This might be in connection with doing fundraising work, sitting in as a Classroom Assistant, helping with clean-up at the end of the school day, etc.

Some volunteer roles, such as parents who assist as Classroom Assistants, will have to go through Disclosure Checks, and may be asked to complete other assessment processes as well.

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