Apply now


Please print off and complete this page for each child that you wish to register with the school.


Our goal is that we should be able to make Christian Education available to all who want it and to enable parents to fulfil their God given mandate to bring up children with an understanding of the Reformed Faith. We anticipate that interest will primarily come from families who share this goal, but we are open to pupils from families of any or no faith.

There is no selection of pupils on the basis of academic ability. However, we recognise that for some children with special learning needs the school may currently not be able to adequately meet their needs.

Our Application Process

The normal admissions process is as follows:

a) Please familiarise yourself with our full prospectus, constitution, and online policies. If you require printed copies of any of these documents, please let us know and we will seek to provide them to you.

b) Parent(s)/guardian(s) are asked to fill in the application form below to proceed to the next stage with any application.

c) The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be invited to arrange a time for a visit. This might be with or without the pupil(s) concerned.

c) A potential pupil will normally attend lessons for a day, or part of a day, as a next step.

d) An interview with the parent(s)/guardian(s) will normally be undertaken. This will usually be by two people, one of whom is a teacher or Board member. The interview committee will explain the responsibilities of parent(s)/guardian(s), answer any questions, and explain how the school is organised and run.

e) The interview committee will normally make a recommendation for a final decision to the Head Teacher. The parents can appeal to a sub-committee set up by Board if the interview committee has refused a place.  Appeals will be restricted to assessing whether due process has been followed.

Parent/Guardian Request to Enrol a Pupil

I/We, ______________________________ and

________________________________, parents/guardians of


wish to enrol our child as a pupil at Melville-Knox Highland.

Application Details

Application Date:

Intended Starting Date:

Child’s Full Name:

Birth Date:


Application to attend Full Time or Part Time?

Family Information

Full Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) :

Relationship to Child:




Joint (both parents)

Exclusively Mother

Exclusively Father

Other (please explain):

Home address:


Telephone No:


Occupation(s) (optional):

Employer(s) (optional):

Contact number during working hours if different to above:

Church attended or affiliation (if any):

Name of Emergency Contact:

Relationship to the child:

Emergency Telephone No:

Name of second Emergency Contact:

Relationship to the child:

Emergency Telephone No:

Medical Information

Doctor’s Name:


Telephone No:

Is the child on medication?

If Yes, for what purpose?

Please list any medication(s):

Does the child suffer from any health problems/allergies of which the school should be aware?

If Yes, please detail:

Has the child eperienced any mental wellbeing or emotional issues?

If Yes, please detail:

Any other medical information:

Information on your child’s previous education

Name of last school / nursery attended (if applicable):                                                                         

School / nursery address:

School / nursery telephone:

Class attended:

If home schooled, for how many years?

Has the child experienced any difficulties in learning?

Does the child have a ‘Record of Needs’?

Has the child ever been suspended or asked to withdraw from a school or nursery?

If Yes, please provide details:

Briefly describe pupil’s extra-curricular interests and abilities:

What are your reasons for selecting this school?

Please send us the following documents along with your application form:

  • Copy of your child’s most recent Nursery or Primary School report.
  • Any other information (e.g. samples of child’s work) which you feel may be relevant, especially if the child has been home schooled.

Parent and Friends Association Membership

Are you a member of the Parent and Friends Association?

If a member, when did you join?

Contributing as a Volunteer

Please note that there is absolutely no obligation for parents/guardian to help as volunteers and we cannot guarantee that all offers of help can be utilised.

I may be able to help as:

  • Classroom volunteer
  • Publicity or fundraising
  • Other skills that you could contribute (please outline)

(Please note that a role requirement for some volunteer posts working with children includes leading prayer and other spiritual activities.)

Agreement to respect and abide by the organisation’s ethos

Assignment of places

I/we accept that in assigning places for pupils, places will be offered in the following order of priority:

  1. Children who already have siblings enrolled in the school
  2. Children of households who are members of the Parent and Friends Association members
  3. Any other children


I/We understand and accept that the school is run on the basis of the Statement of Faith, which is available in the school’s constitution.

I/We will respect the objectives stated in the constitution.


I/We agree:
• to accept the authority of the Board and abide by its decisions
• to uphold the disciplinary decisions of the school
• to send my child/ren appropriately prepared and properly dressed in uniform
• to make sure my child/ren arrive at the school at least 5 minutes prior to the lesson start
• to respect the authority of the school’s operational policies.

Guiding Principles

I/We have read the Guiding Principles of the school and have had the opportunity to ask questions to our satisfaction.

Notes for Parents

I/We have read and understood the Notes for Parents and accept that:

  • the school will use either the Authorised King James Version or the New King James version of the Bible for worship and scripture memorisation;
  • and that children will be encouraged to sing Psalms as part of collective acts of worship.

Behavioural Challenges

I/We recognize difficulties in the following areas highlighted in the document (indicate any that are relevant):
o Discipline
o Attention span
o Hygiene/nutrition
o Independence
o Use of ‘bad language’
o Other (please specify)

Working in Partnership

I/We invite the school to partnership with us on these aspects of my/our child/children’s behaviour and learning, and other similar aspects that come up during their education at Melville-Knox Highland.

Finance and Fees

I/we agree to pay all school fees and agree to provide at least one-term’s notice in writing to the Treasurer before withdrawing our child from the school or to pay one term’s school fees in lieu.

Data Management

I/we agree to the storage of personal information about our child and family members who are recorded as next of kin.

Data Handling: Please note that the information provided on this form by you to Melville-Knox Highland is required by us to process an application for a child or young person to attend the school.  When we process your personal information, for example, collect it on a form or store it in a file or on a computer, the school is obliged to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  
We will process your personal information on the legal basis that it is part of our public task to do so, that is, processing is necessary for us to perform our official functions.   We will not share the personal information you provide to us on this form with any third party unless legally required to do so, for example, for child protection purposes. 
We do not sell your data to any third party. Your personal information will not be shared or processed for any other purpose without your express consent.
We have published detailed Privacy Notices on our website  and we have hard copies available at our school office. Our Privacy Notice provides further information on how and why we process your personal information as well as details on how to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We recommend that you read our Privacy Notices before signing this form.  

Declaration and Signature

All of the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of signing this application form.

I understand that if I have given incomplete or incorrect information knowingly, the school has the right to refuse to enrol the child or withdraw the child from the school and require that full fees to be paid for the entire time the child has been in the school.

Signed:                                                             Parent/Guardian


Signed:                                                             Parent/Guardian


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